Radhi Meddeb
President of Action et Développement SolidaireRadhi Meddeb is a graduate engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique of Paris and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines of Paris. During his long professional career, he has navigated between industry, development banking, participative finance, engineering, strategic consulting and microfinance.

Ulrich H. Brunnhuber
Strategic AdvisorUlrich H. Brunnhuber is a strategic advisor and musician (saxophones) for Tunisia 88. Currently, Ulrich is Head of Policy and Institutional Affairs for the Neighboring Countries at the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Kimball Gallagher
Executive DirectorKimball Gallagher has established himself as one of the most dynamic and versatile pianists on the scene today. His keyboard sensibilities, coupled with his entrepreneurial spirit, have allowed him to explore a wide range of creative projects.

Rabaa Mwelhi
Chief Club CoordinatorRabaa Mwelhi, as Head Coordinator of Tunisia88 Clubs since 2017, is responsible for the planning and monitoring of Tunisia88 clubs across the country, as well as the management of Executive Alumni.

Mouhamed Amin Jarraya
Operations DirectorMohammed Amin Jarraya is a Tunisian professional musician. He studied music and musicology at the Higher Institute of Music in Tunis, where he specialized in the interpretation of Arabic music.

Mejdi Daoud
Principal Representative in the Ministry of EducationMejdi Daoud est inspecteur général d'éducation musicale au ministère de l'éducation, musicien, pédagogue et coach de vie.

Fadi Ben Othman
Polyphonic Choir ConductorFadi Ben Othman is a composer, arranger, and conductor of the Symphony Orchestra Academy, he is also the conductor of the Polyphonic Choir of Tunisia88.

Mohamed Selim Manachou
Operations AssistantMohamed Selim Manachou is a young guitarist, graduate in finance, Leadership trainer with Tunisia88 since 2020. Selim has delivered more than 20 leadership trainings in several regions of the Republic of Tunisia.

Malek Atitallah
88 International Executive AssistantMalèk Atitallah is a young graduate in finance from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis. She has been part of the Executive Alumni team of Tunisia88 for 3 years as Head of the Media Team and Leadership Trainer.

Teresa McKinney
Creativity Trainer and AdvisorTeresa McKinney is currently the Founding Director of Arts at Colby College, where she activates vibrant revitalization through the arts in Waterville, Maine. Ms. McKinney has served as a creative consultant and trainer for Tunisia88 since 2016.

Erina Iwasaki
Leadership Trainings AdvisorErina Iwasaki consults and creates sustainable training systems. To date, she has trained about 40 trainers in leadership and creativity at Tunisia88.

Amine Radhouani
Leadership TrainerAmine Radhouani is a young dental doctor. A leadership and soft skills trainer who has worked with Tunisia88 since 2019, he chaired AIESEC in Monastir and is interested in realizing the potential of young Tunisians.
Regional Representatives

Amel Lachheb
The South, the Coast and the CenterAmel Lachheb is a senior high school teacher emeritus. She is as well the cinema club coordinator.

Ferid Mbarek
The South, the Coast and the CenterFerid Mbarek is a senior secondary school teacher, trade unionist and member of the Tunisian League of Human Rights.

Hanen Rahoui
The North WestHanen Rahoui is a high school teacher and regional delegate for the Atlas Music Academy, thanks to her extensive work in the organization.

Kamel Guesmi
The North WestKamel Guesmi is a high school teacher and trade unionist. He has taught at the Teacher Training Institute and has been appointed as a pedagogical advisor.

Leila Arjoun
All Tunis and North-EastLeila Arjoun has a master's degree in translation, in French, English, Arabic and Spanish. She is an emeritus professor of French and also president of the Tunisian Association of Teachers of French ATEF.
Executive Alumni

Amenallah Akermi

Ahmed Abbessi

Fatma Abdessayed

Eya Amamria

Alhan Banneni

Zeineb Barkallah

Taha Barkatis

Nourelhouda Bchini

Mounir Ben Amor

Imen Ben Hadj Khelifa

Mohamed Ben Said

Fayrouz Ben Salem

Nawres Bouarada

Imen Bougrine

Balsem Bouhaeli

Nourelhouda Boukari

Nassim Bourguiba

Fedy Boussetta

Jannet Bouzid

Hazem Braiek

Asma Challouf

Yassine Chebbi

Dhafer Chebbi

Rayen Chebil

Lamis Cheikh

Samar Chelly

Bilel Dhaouadi

Koussay Dhiaf

Balkis Djobbi

Ahmed Farhat

Houssem Felah

Ameni Ghribi

Khalil Guettat

Saja Hadj Taieb

Wahbi Hadj Romdhane

Emina Harbaoui

Hadil Hassine

Amal Jelassi

Mariem Kasmi

Mariem Khammessi

Adem Khemiri

Mazen Khenissi

Emna Korsan

Nouha Kraiem

Iheb Landolsi

Wajd Mehdaoui

Aziz Mattoussi

Ines Mensi

Wejden Mtiri

Khalil Oueslati

Ons Saidi

Moemen Saidi

Nizar Sehli

Ghada Sidhom

Mahdi Souihli

Ahmed Yacoub

Dhafer Yahia

Lina Zghibi

Ameni Kooli

Bahaeddine Ben Fadhel

Aliya Cycon

Selim Arjoun

Nour Arjoun

Feirouz Osman

Rami Zriba

Yahya Mhirsi

Hazar Abdennadher

Habib Ben Attia

Ahmed Litaiem

Anis Bsila
Other ADS Team Members
Noureddine Yaiche
TreasurerAhlem Ben Bouker
Administrative AssistantMohammed Gharbi
AccountantMembres du bureau exécutif de 88 International

Gabo Arora
Board MemberGabo Arora is an American filmmaker, creative technologist, and the Founder / CEO of LIGHTSHED, a studio focusing on emerging technologies studio. He is a professor at Johns Hopkins University, where he is the Founding Director of the new Immersive Storytelling and Emerging Technology (ISET) program and lab.

David Rosensweig
Board MemberDavid Rosensweig is a corporate finance and strategy consultant to growth companies in the technology, healthcare, and healthy food industries. He is also the founder of Multivalent Consulting, which helps individuals improve their performance and resilience.